Saturday, November 20, 2010

Oh, Dear!

 These photos were taken just a short way from my mother's
 house in Oldsmar, Florida. I had originally thought that it might be the Florida Key Deer, but they apparently don't live this far north. Whatever it is, it's always nice to see them roaming around in such a highly populated area.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Catch-Up Time...Stitching Update

(Super framing job by The Crafty Framer in Largo, FL, by the way!)
I can finally post a couple of photos of the surprise cross stitch project. This is "Nora (Corbett)'s Letter S" which I did for my friend Susan's birthday. I was very surprised at how easy it turned out to be. There weren't nearly as many quarter 'x'es as I expected, which was nice and very little backstitching, also a good thing. The metallic thread was less of a problem than I expected. And the beads were really no problem at all. I've already started working on her "P" and plan to do the "D" and "B" next, all for birthday/Christmas gifts. Maybe even this year!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

White Bird Strolling

This guy certainly isn't minding the rain. And neither am I. An excellent excuse to stay in all day, stitch, and watch old Bob Hope movies on TCM

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Here It Is! Finally!

Listed and everything! And another great Stitching Sunday happening!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Little Break From Sunday Stitching

Stitching the 'secret' project today. It's coming along quite nicely. Since it's a gift, I can't post a photo of the progress until it's done and given and the Snow has gone into hibernation under the armoire , so no photo with this post. Update on yesterday: The picture isn't framed yet, next week for sure; lunch was great; and there's a nice little pork tenderloin waiting in the fridge to be tossed in the oven later.
And now back to stitching.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Happy Saturday!

The best thing about some Saturdays is that if I can get all the running around done today, I can spend the this evening and most of the day tomorrow stitching. Today I'm going down to my favorite cross stitch/frame shop (The Crafty Framer, Largo, FL; to hang out for a bit and (maybe) pick up a piece of framed stitching that I hope to list and sell in my Etsy shop,  Then it's off to lunch with my mom and dad at Too Jay's ( for some yummy deli food. We'll hit the grocery store on the way home and it's stitchathon time! Now that's my kind of weekend!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Who's chair is this?

Why is the chair next to the Ott-lite and all the cross stitch stuff so appealing to the cat? He doesn't stitch.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Fear and Loathing in the Blogosphere

Okay, maybe not so much the loathing, at least not yet. And fear? Well, yeah, sort of. As usual for my personal modus operandi, I tend to jump into the deep end of something new, then, as I'm glub-glubbing to the edge of the pool, I'm frantically buying books to help me figure out how to really swim, not just dog paddle my way through a new environment/skill/hobby/whatever. So that's where I am now. Armed with several books and periodicals (a list follows) and checking out what other bloggers are doing, I'm cramming like a high school senior for finals and hoping that you, dear reader, will be patient and stay tuned. Hopefully you won't be disappointed.

BLOGGING FOR BLISS, by Tara Frey. This is such a beautiful book with a lot of good information.
BLOGGING FOR DUMMIES, by Susannah Gardner and Shane Birley. Don't laugh. It's jam-packed with all that technostuff put simply enough for even me to understand.
ARTFUL BLOGGING VISUALLY INSPIRING ONLINE JOURNALS, a gorgeous periodical published by Somerset Studio. There is no way I'm not getting a subscription to this!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Holy Cow! What do I think I'm doing?

Yep! As usual, I have no clue what I'm doing or how to do it, so please bear with me as I figure it all out and get settled in!